Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas Eve

According to Ann Charters (in Jack Kerouac: Selected Letters 1957-1969, 2000, p. 404):

On Christmas Eve 1962, Jack and Mémêre and their three cats in carrier cages arrived at the Long Island Rail Road station in Northport and moved into their new home on Judyann Court.

If you're not moving today, count your blessings. The holy days are stressful enough without the added stress of relocating yourself and your belongings. Before you get too stressed out today, think of poor Jack and Mémêre and their three cats on this date back in 1962. And if  you've got even more stressful stuff than moving going on in your life, our thoughts go out to you and yours.

In counting my blessings, I realized that I am thankful for every single one of you who has read my ramblings over the last 7 years. I have a notion to get back to blogging more often this year, but I think a revamp of sorts is in order. More on that soon.

In the meantime, Merry Christmas Eve from The Daily Beat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kerouac and cats... I suppose those would be two wonderful Christmas gifts.
Merry Christmas to you Dr. Dale.
Richard Marsh